Join the troupe

Were you the person who heckled teachers all day by creating and making weird and different noises?  Would you consider working in Sound Effects?  Have you wanted to act but have stage fright?  Have you been told you have a face for radio? Voice Acting may be the thing for those aspiring stars! Do you like to putter around with software, sound, volume, and mixing them all together?  Are you a GarageBand groupie? Well, we need Recording Engineers also. Do you like creating mood with music?  Does your life have its own personal soundtrack? We’d love to have different Musicians at our keyboard setting the tone and mood for a show! If the phrases, “places everybody,” “all quiet on the set,” “we’re rolling,” “action,” get your heart pumping, please inquire about Directing a show.

Calling all Voice Actors, Musicians, Sound Effects Technicians, Directors and Playwrights!
Contact us to request more information or to become involved.

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